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4-point knee orthosis for varus or valgus pressure relief and stabilisation

M.4s OA is a varus / valgus brace. The product is exclusively to be used for the orthotic fitting of the knee and only on intact skin.



  • Conservative:
  • Severe medial or lateral gonarthrosis (at least level III) combined with ligament instability
  • Unicompartmental relief before HTO (brace test)
  • For relief of painful stress fractures (e.g. tibiahead)
  • Strong overloading of the medial or lateral compartment
  • Permanent relief, where surgery is contraindicated
  • Postoperative:
  • Cartilage surgery / chondroplasty / meniscus refixation / displacement osteotomy with required postoperative relief of the medial or lateral compartment

엠포에스 오에이 M4s OA

SKU: M110
  • Product benefits

    • Relief of the lateral or medial compartment using the 3-point principle

    • Pain relief by reducing weight-bearing on the affected side of the joint

    • Optimal stabilisation using 4-point principle

    • Safe collateral stabilisation by riged Frame

    • Extension and flexion limitation protects against damaging joint movements and relieves injured structures

    • Limitations:

    • - Extension limitation at: 0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 45°

    • - Flexion limitation at: 0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90°

    • - Immobilisation: 0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 45°


    How does it work?/Mode of action


    This orthosis is intended to help you to reduce stress on your knee. The orthosis is used in both postoperative therapy and in conservative (non-operative treatment). It protects the leg from swerving outwards. Stress is reduced on the painful areas of the knee joint and the orthesis brings a perceptible reduction in pain. Some patients only improve gradually.

  • 전화문의 바랍니다.


서울 강서구 강서로 161, 102호
화곡역 5번출구

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T: 02-6959-3520




예금주 : 바코메드


  • 사업자 등록번호 : 109-86-44139

  • 대표자 : 이세영

  • 의료기기판매업 제1231호

  • 통신판매업신고번호 : 제2014-서울강서-0687호

  • 의료기기 광고심의필 2015-GN1-10-0028

카카오톡  ID




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